Online rummy games have garnered quite a lot of attention in recent years due to the fun quotient that they have to offer. There are many formats and variants that a rummy player can play on popular online rummy platforms such as First Games by Paytm. But no format or variant is as exciting as rummy tournaments, where you get an opportunity to compete with the best rummy players for the coveted prizes.
Joining Rummy Tournaments on First Games by Paytm
To enjoy a wide array of cash and free rummy tournaments on First Games by Paytm, you will need to first download the app from the First Games website. Once you download and install the First Games app, get yourself registered and start playing online rummy games.
To join rummy tournaments on the First Games app, do the following steps:
- Open the app

- Click on the “Tourney” tab

- Have a look at all the available tournaments

- Select any tournament from Free or Cash tournaments list

- Add cash, and join the tournament with the required entry fee

Types of tournaments on the First Games app
There are 2 major types of tournaments based on the entry fee, free and cash on the First Games rummy app.
Free rummy tournaments on First Games
Free rummy tournaments are where players can join without paying any entry fee. Players can win cash prizes without investing any money; players only need to use their skills and invest their time to win free rummy tournaments. Currently on the First Games app, Freeroll 5K GTD tournament is going on which has a prize pool of Rs. 5,000.

Cash rummy tournaments on First Games
Cash tournaments offer massive winnings and are ones where a rummy player needs to join with some entry fee. Cash prizes can range from thousands to crores, depending on the tournament type. With such massive winning amounts, players from across the country join to showcase their rummy skills and compete fiercely. Currently on the First Games app, there are cash tournaments such as First Rummy League, 10X Multiplier, Cashloot 2K GTD, Power 200, and Rummy Carnival. Play online rummy cash games and tournaments to win incredible cash prizes.

How to take part in major rummy tournaments and win massive cash prizes?
Understanding that tournaments are time-bound
A rummy tournament will consist of many rounds; the number of rounds depends on the kind of tournament. Every round is time-bound. The chip leaders will advance to the next round at the end of every round. Win maximum rounds and get maximum chips within the time limit.

Drop if necessary
If the hand is not good, make sure that you drop so that you don’t get many points. Adjust your gaming strategy according to the tournament type. Make the right decision at the right time like an intelligent online rummy player.
Keep a close eye on your opponents
Tournaments consist of multiple rounds, so it is advised that you keep a close eye on your opponents. When two or more players advance to the next round, you will come across the same opponents; keep a track of your opponents to get better off them.

Now that you know how to play rummy tournaments, join the rummy action on India’s most loved online rummy platform, First Games by Paytm.
Ajinkya Rane is an avid sports writer who has special interests in card games. He writes mostly about online rummy games to educate rummy enthusiasts and also to keep them entertained. Ajinkya has been playing online rummy and winning on a consistent basis. He likes to share Rummy, Poker, and Call Break knowledge that he has accumulated over the years; knowledge includes tips and tricks to win card games. With over 3 years writing experience in the gaming industry, Ajinkya brings valuable insights for card game players with every piece of content that he pens down.
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