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Which type of Pool Rummy is Better? 101 or 201?

By Ajinkya Rane December 24, 2021

Rummy is a card game that has connected online gamers across the world with the passion that they share for the game. At some point or the other, you must have played a rummy game with your friends or family. Rummy games are very popular, especially during social gatherings where people enjoy their time by playing rummy.

There are three main variants of rummy that are famous, Pool Rummy, Points Rummy, and Deals Rummy. Pool rummy is perhaps the most exciting rummy variant and is considered to be a combination of Points and Deals rummy. In pool rummy, all the players join in with some fixed amount, which becomes the prize pool.

If you know how to play pool rummy, you know that the player who achieves the basic objectives of the game and maintains the lowest score wins the game. Pool rummy has two variants, depending on the points, 101 pool and 201 pool.

People are often confused as to which Pool rummy variants to choose. They are either not aware of the 101 pool rummy rules and 201 pool rummy rules or love both equally. If you are too struggling to pick between 101 pool rummy game and 201 pool rummy game, then you should go through the following differentiators that will help you understand both the pool rummy variants better.

What differentiates 101 Pool Rummy from 201 Pool Rummy?

Number of Deals Played

A Pool rummy does not have a fixed number of deals like that in Points rummy and Deals rummy. In 101 pool rummy, a player gets eliminated when he/she reaches a score of 101 and in 201 pool rummy, a player gets eliminated when he/she reaches a score of 201. If you lose the previous deal, you can still make a comeback by using winning and smart rummy tips and tricks.

Duration of the Game

The duration of the Pool rummy game is not fixed, as the number of rounds that the game might take to complete is not fixed. As mentioned in the above point, a player is eliminated upon 101 points or 201 points, depending on the pool rummy game variant they are playing. So, if you are planning to play pool points rummy, take out some free time, as you never know how much time the game would take to finish.


Dropping in a rummy game means a player chooses to quit the round, as he/she is not confident about the cards that have been dealt. There are two types of drops, first drop and middle drop. The first drop is when a player chooses to drop out from the game before the game starts. The middle drop is when a player chooses to drop anywhere in between the start and the end of the game.

Depending on the pool game rummy variant you choose, there is a penalty for the drop which is as follows:


First Drop

Middle Drop

101 Pool Rummy Game



201 Pool Rummy Game



Rejoining Pool Rummy Game Rules

Neither the Deals rummy nor the Points rummy allows you to rejoin the game. But the same is not true when it comes to the Pool rummy. Once you are eliminated from a Pool rummy table, you can rejoin the Pool rummy table by paying the buy-in amount. Make sure you have a sufficient balance in your account before trying to rejoin the game.

The rules for rejoining the game also depend on the highest score of the players who are not eliminated. Depending on the pool game variant, the highest score of the remaining players after which you cannot rejoin a pool rummy table also varies.

For 101 Pool Rummy: Less than or equal to 79 points.

For 201 Pool Rummy: Less than or equal to 174 points.

Which Pool Rummy Game variant should you opt for?

The time at hand and your rummy skills are crucial in determining which Pool Rummy variant to go for. The 201 Pool rummy variant will obviously take more time, but it also provides plenty of opportunities to redeem yourself to get back into the game. So, if you are new to the world of rummy, you should try 201 Pool rummy and then move to the 101 rummy where the chance to make a comeback is less.

If you want to play rummy for only some limited time, you can choose to play 101 pool rummy. Also, if you back your rummy skills, 101 pool rummy is the best option.

We hope that the information above has helped you pick a pool rummy variant of your choice. You can always play practice games on India’s online rummy app, First Games and try to find out which Pool rummy variant works the best for you. During the practice games, you can also elevate your rummy skills, so that you can pick and choose any rummy variant according to your mood.

Now that you know what is pool rummy, you can get the ultimate rummy experience on the Paytm First Games app. Download the rummy app and start playing online rummy like never before.


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