Although playing rummy has mostly been synonymous with winning cash by staying at the end of the scorecard, it is not really considered a gambling game. This is because the game of rummy is not entirely dependent on chance and has a great degree of skill that is involved in its gameplay. This is one of the main reasons why playing rummy both online and offline has become a highly popular pastime for people in India.
Rummy is often considered a family game since it does not technically fall under the category of gambling games like Poker and Call Bridge. This game offers a fun-filled and yet intense experience to players as they have to be very strategic when choosing which cards to withdraw and when to draw cards from the open deck and when from the closed deck. Due to such a high level of dexterity needed for this game, online platforms like Paytm First Games offer several forms of real cash rewards to winners of online rummy.
Indian Rummy
Rummy has several different variations, and among them, the 13-card rummy or more popularly known as Indian Rummy is the most-played variant. Players above the ages of 18 can easily occupy themselves in their free time by playing Indian Rummy on some of the most trusted and secure online platforms like Paytm First Games.
Rummy Online
Games like Indian Rummy are available online in the form of real cash games, free rummy games, real cash tournaments, as well as freeroll tournaments. This makes playing and practicing for beginners all the easier because by playing freeroll tournaments or practice tournaments online, beginners can hone their rummy skills.
Rummy App
What makes playing online rummy such a popular online game is that websites like Paytm First Games offer players the opportunity to take their rummy game with them wherever they go. This is possible by downloading the rummy app from the official website of Paytm First Games. By simply scanning the QR code on the website, players are directed to the download link of the Paytm First Games Rummy app.
Rummy Rules
After downloading the app, it often becomes a challenge for beginners to begin winning real cash games of rummy. To help solve this problem, Paytm First Games offers comprehensive tutorials as well as practice games for beginners and experts alike. There are also quite a lot of guidelines about the rummy rules which players need to be aware of before they can even begin practicing. Since rummy is a draw and discard game, the game begins by dealing 13 cards to each player, and each player has to first draw a card and then discard one card from his/her hand of 13 cards. Nevertheless, the number of cards in the player’s hand is always constant.
Rummy Tips
Apart from the general rules of the rummy game, some tips and tricks can help players in getting an upper hand when competing with seasoned rummy players. Playing real cash games can be exhilarating, and with certain important tricks up the sleeve, like drawing from the closed deck only, being observant of the opponent’s moves, and sorting the hand of cards, can indeed make a difference in a win or loss.
Play Rummy 24*7
With the help of such ingenious tips and tricks, all types of rummy players can now register themselves on the Paytm First Games rummy app and play rummy 24*7. Of course, this does not mean that players play for the entire 24 hours in a day. It can be damaging to optical health if any kind of mobile game is played for more than 2 hours at a stretch without taking adequate rest periods in between. Nevertheless, playing rummy on Paytm First Games is an extremely rewarding and satisfying experience with real cash rewards for winners to take home.
Suraj Jayaswal is a tech freak who keeps himself updated on the latest happenings in the online gaming world. He is also a passionate gamer with deep knowledge in online Rummy, Poker, Call Break, etc.
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