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Brilliant 5 Strategies to Rule the Rummy Table Like a King

By Ajinkya Rane March 29, 2022

If you are a rummy player who plays online rummy games frequently, you must be aware that winning rummy games requires skills and effective strategies. You can formulate rummy strategies only when you learn rummy rules, how to play rummy, and understand your own style of play. With more practice games, you will be able to elevate your online rummy skills and form strategies that will keep you one step ahead of your opponents.

Once you decide to take part in online rummy tournaments that offer massive winnings, you must know that many pro rummy players will participate in such a tournament. If you have to beat the best, you must have match-winning, tried and tested strategies in place.

Following are some brilliant online rummy strategies that will help you boss the rummy table:

Pure Sequence First

Pure sequence is a series of 3 or more consecutive cards of the same suit. To make a valid declaration, a rummy player must have at least one pure sequence. Pure sequence does not include any joker. Failing to form a pure sequence will give you a penalty of 80 points; to avoid heavy defeat, you must always focus on forming a pure sequence first.

If cards at hand have no near possibility of forming a pure sequence, it is advised that you drop right at the start to avoid heavy defeat. In the first 2-3 rounds work on forming a pure sequence, anything beyond that will increase your chances of a heavy penalty.

1 (7)

Let go off high-value cards

High-value cards such as the Kings, Queens, Aces, Jacks, and 10s carry 10 points each. If such cards are not readily available to form a sequence or a set, it is better you get rid of them as soon as possible. A player who makes a valid declaration first, wins the rummy round; points of remaining players are calculated based on the cards in hand. If such players are left with high-value cards, then their score would be higher, resulting in decreasing their chances of winning a rummy tournament or cash games. But before discarding, make sure that you are not missing out on any potential combination to reduce points.

Stay focussed

Rummy is a skill-based game that will test your skills and memory. If you are not focussed on the moves of your opponents, you will discard cards that will help them make a valid declaration. One error and you will be on the losing side. Stay focussed, as cards drawn and discarded by your opponents can help you anticipate their upcoming moves. Make sure you keep your emotions in check before joining a rummy table.

Start watching your opponents closely and do not lose your focus while playing online rummy games.

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Bluff your opponents

Bluffing your opponents will catch them off guard and ruin their strategies. Once you unsettle your opponents, they will make mistakes which you can capitalize on. How can you use bluffing to your advantage?

If you have 3,4, and 6 of clubs and have seen your opponent pick a 5 of clubs, then discard 6 of clubs. Your opponent will be fooled into thinking that you don’t  need a 5 of clubs and might discard it. In this way, you will get the card you want by bluffing your opponent. Not every time you will be successful, as you will play against experienced players as well. Master the technique of bluffing before using it on your opponents.

Develop new strategies

You might win a few online rummy games with some set strategies, but as you start playing more, you will come across some pro rummy players. When you play against experienced rummy players, you will need to formulate new strategies on the go. Try new strategies and experiment while playing practice rummy games, the ones that work can be used during cash games and tournaments.

Rummy is a skill-based game that requires constant learning. You can take away a few things from every game that you play. So keep playing practice and cash games on India’s most loved online rummy platform, First Games by Paytm and win amazing cash prizes.


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