Rummy is a skill-based game that provides immense entertainment. Much like any other skill, this one also takes time to develop. The key here is to keep on practicing, enhancing the rummy skills with practice games, and then moving onto the cash games on India’s best online rummy platform, the First Games app powered by Paytm.
The type of strategies you use and how you use them to decide whether you can win games consistently or not. Device smart strategies to stay one step ahead of your opponents. A player must know the platform well; this helps him to get comfortable and try out new things.
You would come across many testimonials on online rummy platforms where players have shared their experiences of winning real cash. Skilled rummy players often win cash by winning cash games and rummy tournaments. On the First Games apps powered by Paytm, you will see many loyal players across the country have shared their experiences of winning games and real cash. But do you know how they manage to win? What separates them from the rest? What are the tips and tricks to win consistently? Well, if you don’t know already, don’t worry. Following are a few online rummy tips that will help you get in the league of the champions.
Pure Sequence First
Forming a pure sequence is very crucial in the game of rummy. Without a pure sequence, you can’t win. Also, if you fail to make a pure sequence, then you will be penalized with 80 points. To make a valid declaration, you need to meld all the cards where at least one pure sequence is mandatory. Ensure that you play smart to win online rummy games consistently.
Discard High-Value Cards
All the Kings, Queens, Jacks, Aces, and 10s carry 10 points each. If these high-value cards are not discarded at the earliest, you run the risk of losing by a big margin. Once the cards are dealt and you know that there is little or no chance of forming sets or sequences with high-value cards, you should start discarding them. The more you play, the more you will understand the importance of getting rid of high-value cards early.
Track your Opponents’ Moves
Your opponents will get on top if you don’t track their moves down. Make sure that you hold onto the cards that your opponents are looking for. If your opponent picks 6 of hearts, don’t discard 4,5,7,8 of hearts or 6 of any other suits. Also, play the mind games in between by picking cards that you won’t need. Tricking your opponent might help you get the cards you want.
Use Jokers Wisely
Jokers are the most valuable cards in the game of rummy. There are two types of jokers, printed and wild card jokers. Both types of jokers can be used to make impure sequences or sets. Use the jokers wisely to get an edge over your opponents.
Many online rummy players have won real cash on India’s most trusted online rummy platform, First Games. You too can win cash by joining rummy players across the country on the First Games app.
Suraj Jayaswal is a tech freak who keeps himself updated on the latest happenings in the online gaming world. He is also a passionate gamer with deep knowledge in online Rummy, Poker, Call Break, etc.
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