Rummy is a skill-based game, and as is the case with every skill, it takes time to be mastered. As an online rummy player, your focus should be on enhancing your rummy knowledge and rummy skills through practice matches. If you don’t work on your rummy skills, then the chances are that you will lose more than you win. Keep practicing more and watch free tutorials on the First Games app.
Eliminate these Online Rummy Mistakes to Win Games
There are few common rummy mistakes that you should avoid to win. These mistakes, if taken care of, will increase your chances of winning exponentially. So, what are these common mistakes and how do they impact a game? Let us understand the same in detail.
Jumping onto the Cash Games Directly
Do not be in a hurry to play the cash games. Go through the app, try your hands at practice games, get the feel, increase your skill levels, and then try your hands at the cash games and tournaments. Jumping directly onto the cash games is a common beginner rummy mistake that any aspiring rummy player can make. Avoid the temptation of playing cash games directly, don’t let anything obstruct your logic, practice hard, and be a pro rummy player.
Holding High-Value Cards for a Long Time
High-value cards will cost you a lot of points if you lose the game. Make sure that you get rid of the high-value cards as soon as possible, especially if you are dealt with a bad hand. A pure sequence, which is necessary to win a rummy game, can be made without the high-value cards as well. So, if you are sure that these high-value cards won’t help you in making a pure sequence quickly, then discard them at the earliest.
Discarding Wild Cards
If you know how to play rummy, you will know the importance of wild cards. Seeing wild cards as a normal card is a common online rummy mistake that many beginners make. The nature of the game is such that you may make decisions in a hurry. By eliminating a wild card, you might miss out on an opportunity to form a sequence. This rummy mistake usually occurs when any random card is a wild card and not the printed joker. So, stay fully attentive during a rummy game and avoid this mistake.
Wrong Show
This rummy mistake usually occurs when a rummy player feels hurried or is not thinking clearly. You may be looking for a card to complete a sequence, and select a close resemblance card (maybe the number or the color). Thus, in a haste, you will declare, which will ultimately cost you. To avoid this mistake, you should always double-check before declaring.
Not watching the moves of your Opponents
Turning your back on your opponents in rummy is never a great move. You should be involved in the game and remember the moves of your opponents. Rummy is a fast-paced, strategic game that requires complete attention. If you keep track of your opponents’ moves, you will get a fair idea about the sequence they are trying to form. Once you have this idea, don’t discard the cards that will help your opponents form a sequence.
Now that you are aware of which mistakes to avoid while playing online rummy, download India’s most trusted online rummy app, First Games, and start enjoying online rummy like never before.
Ajinkya Rane is an avid sports writer who has special interests in card games. He writes mostly about online rummy games to educate rummy enthusiasts and also to keep them entertained. Ajinkya has been playing online rummy and winning on a consistent basis. He likes to share Rummy, Poker, and Call Break knowledge that he has accumulated over the years; knowledge includes tips and tricks to win card games. With over 3 years writing experience in the gaming industry, Ajinkya brings valuable insights for card game players with every piece of content that he pens down.
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