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A Detailed Guide Of Poker Hierarchy

In a game like poker, a good hand of cards is what matters the most. Of course, an experienced player can turn a bad hand into a good one through his or her skills but others who don’t understand poker hand hierarchy, might lose a round even with the best hand of cards. This is why poker is considered to be a skill-based game.

To become a pro at the game of poker, you need to first know the poker hierarchy of cards and how they can be used against other poker hands. Hand rankings in a standard poker game will vary with 52 cards. There are ten poker hierarchy hands and they comprise different poker sequences, cards from the same suit, triplets, and other pairs. If you wish to improve your game, you must learn the poker hierarchy chart that this detailed guide will make it easy for you to follow. 

Poker Hands Ranking: Lowest To Highest

You must know how important it is to handle your cards in poker and without understanding the A Detailed Guide Of Poker Hierarchy, you can never perform well in the game. In this section, we will explain all the poker hierarchy hands that you need to know to play this game. The poker ranking chart is listed in the lowest to the highest order.

Understanding the poker card hierarchy is imperative to you winning the pot. So let’s pay attention!


High Card
High Card

This is the lowest hand you can have in poker. This happens when none of the cards in your hand forms a pair. All five cards have different denominations and hence they can’t be paired. In this case, the value of the hand will be determined by the highest-ranking card in your hand. Read More > If there are two or more people with this hand, then the highest-ranking card will win. For example, an Ace-high hand is the highest possible hand you can get. The same rule is followed in Texas Hold’em poker card hierarchy as well. Read Less >


This is the second-lowest hand you can have in poker. You can get a one-pair with just two cards of the same rank. As always, the denomination of the card matters the most. In this case, two Aces make the best possible hand. Read More > If two players get one pair, then the winner will be determined by the kicker card. For those unversed, the kicker card is the card with the highest value of the remaining three cards. Understanding, poker hands order chart is easy if you pay attention to it. Read Less >


In the poker hand ranking chart, two-pair is the third lowest hand. You get a two-pair when you have two pairs of cards of different ranks. You can form a two-pair by using the cards on the table. Read More > For example: Let’s say you have two 2s and two 7s along with another card in your hand. It means you have a two-pair. Read Less >


This is one of the most common hands in poker hierarchy cards. To get a three-of-a-kind, you will need three cards of the same rank along with two unpaired cards. One fine example would be three Jacks, a 7, and a 3. Read More > This hand of cards has two subtypes: trips and sets. A trip is formed when you pick the pair from the table and have the necessary third card in your hand. In the case of a set, you have the pair and get the third card from the table. If there are two or more players with three-of-a-kind, the card with the highest value will win the pot. Read Less >


Straight is an important hand in poker hierarchy of suits. You form a straight when you have five cards of consecutive ranks of different suits. It doesn’t matter what suit the card is from as long as it can be ranked in the right order. Read More > In this case, the highest possible hand in Straight is called Broadway and I consist of Ace, King, Jack, Queen, and 10. The lowest straight is called a Wheel or Bicycle and it comprises Ace, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Read Less >


A flush is formed when you have five cards of different suits. In this case, the numerological order doesn’t matter. You can form a flush using any five cards in a deck. For example: 2, 3, 5, and King. Read More > In flush, the rank of the cards is considered over the suit. To give you a quick example, a hand consisting of King, 10, 4, 6, and 1 is greater than a hand of King, 7, 9, 5, and 2. Compared to other hands, a flush is easy to form. Read Less >


Next in the poker hierarchy list, we have full-house. This is a very important hand in poker. To get a full house, you need to have a pair and three-of-a-kind. Both hands rank low in the hierarchy list, but when combined, they form one of the strongest hands in-game. Read More > A full house is made of three cards of the same rank and a pair of cards of some other rank. The best hand you can get is two kings and three Aces. Read Less >


This is the third most important hand in poker. You can create a four-of-a-kind by using four cards of the same value, but of different suits. Read More > The best possible hand you can get is that of Aces. In this case, the rank of the card is what matters the most. Read Less >


This is considered the second-most difficult hand in poker. You get a straight flush when you have five suited cards in increasing numerical order. There’s less than a 1% chance of achieving this hand. Read More > For example: 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. A straight flush with 10 as the highest ranking card is greater than a straight flush with 9 as the highest card. Read Less >

Royal Flush
Royal Flush

Royal flush is the ultimate hand you can get in poker. It consists of Ace, King, Queen, Jack, and 10. This hand can beat all other hands in the game. If you are lucky enough to form this hand, there’s no stopping you from winning the pot. Read More > A royal flush is the highest possible hand in the poker hierarchy. It’s the rarest hand in the game and very difficult to form. Read Less >

Tie Breakers In Poker Hands

It is very much possible for two or more players to have the same hands. If there’s a tie, you need a tiebreaker to determine the winner.

In the game of poker, if two or more people have the same ranking hands, then the player with the highest value card is the winner. For example, if two players have a straight flush with one having 3, 4, 5, and 6, and the other one with 2, 3, 4, and 5, then the former is the winner. This is because the denomination of his cards is higher than the other player. In the case of a tie, the value of the suit is not considered.

Poker Hand Rankings With Wildcards

Now let’s talk about poker hand rankings chart with wildcards and how it works. In poker, wildcards are used as substitute cards. Players use it as a card that they need to form a particular hand. Jokers are commonly used as wildcards. In such situations, the game is played using 54 cards, instead of 52 cards. If you choose to play with a standard deck, then 1+n cards are determined as wildcards at the beginning of the game.

You can use wildcards to substitute a card that you need to form a hand or make a five-of-a-kind. For those unversed, five-of-a-hand is considered a special hand in poker hierarchy of suits. It is the highest of all hands and it can even beat a royal flush. Once again, aces are the highest-ranking card of all. 

Low Poker Wildcards

In a low poker game, wildcards are considered fitter. It is used by players to complete a hand of the lowest value. In a standard poker game, 6-5-3-2-joker will be taken as 6-6-5-3-2. In deuce-to-seven, the wildcard would be used as 7. In ace-to-five, the wildcard would be used as an ace.

The Bug

Five-card draw poker games are usually played with the bug, which is an additional joker card that serves as a limited wildcard. You can use it only as an ace or any other card that is needed to form a flush or a straight. In this type of game, a five-of-a-kind of ace is considered the highest hand. Meanwhile, a four-of-a-kind joker is considered to be an ace kicker.

What Is A Kicker In Poker

A kicker is a side card. It is a card that doesn’t add to the hand’s rank. However, it can be used to break ties between similar hands of the same rank. For example, in a hand of K-K-10-8-4, the kickers are 10, 8, and 4. This hand is greater than any hand with a lower-ranking pair or no pair. But it would lose against a hand with a high-ranking pair. Kickers can be used to break ties among other hands consisting of a couple of kings. For example, K-K-A-7-9 would win because a kicker is higher than 10. But K-K-10-8-3 would lose because 3 is lower in value than 4.

Best Hands In Poker

In the poker hierarchy list, a pair of aces is considered to be the best hand. You see, the best hand is the strongest poker hand as it will change several times from flop to river.

Worst Hands In Poker

The starting hand is considered the worst hand in poker as you have fewer options available. Even the lowest possible hand is the worst as it will not help you to win the pot. If you end up with a pair of 2s and 7s, you don’t have the best hand. In such situations, it is better to fold.

Rules of Poker

Now that we are done discussing poker hand hierarchy, let’s talk about the rules of the game. Since Texas Hold’em is the most popular variation of poker, we will give you a basic idea of the rules involved.

  • In this game, every player is dealt two hole cards.
  • The dealer spreads five community cards, three at once, and the remaining two separately. All the cards are placed face-up.
  • The five community cards can be used by any player along with the cards in their hands.
  • Players can make any possible hand using seven cards: hole cards and community cards.
  • Players can bet in turns before and after all the community cards are revealed.
  • The player with the best hand wins the pot.
Becoming a pro poker player

Becoming a pro poker player becomes easier when you understand the importance of poker card hierarchy and how to use them to achieve success. Now that you have an idea of all the possible poker hands, download the First Games app by Paytm to put all the theory to practice to play the game more efficiently. A game like poker requires practice and the more time you invest learning this game, the more you will improve your skills.


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  • What is the hierarchy of poker?
    Royal flush is the highest possible hand in poker. A royal flush is formed when you have five consecutive cards of the same suit in order of value from Ace to 10. This hand can beat all other hands in poker.
  • Which card is the highest in poker?
    The Ace is considered the highest-ranking card in poker, while the lowest card is Deuce.
  • What is the order from highest to lowest in poker?
    The highest to lowest poker hand: Ace, King, Queen, Jack, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, and 2.
  • What is the hierarchy of hands in poker?
    The highest to lowest poker hierarchy is Royal Flush, Straight Flush, Four-of-a-Kind, Full House, Flush, Straight, Three-of-a-Kind, Two Pair, One Pair, and High Card.
  • What's higher? A 4 or an ace?
    Ace is the highest-value card in poker. No matter what denomination of cards you have in your hand, the ace will always be considered the highest.


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